
Common Vocabularies

This crate provides a set of modules that contain the IRIs and QName strings for commonly used vocabularies. It also provides macro support for defining new namespaces in the same style as this library.

The vocabularies supported can be found below.

Macro Example

The following example replicates the geo module using the namespace! macro. Note that as this macro uses paste::item the client will need to have a dependency on the paste crate.

extern crate paste;

extern crate rdftk_names;

use rdftk_names::Vocabulary;

namespace! {
        spatial_thing, "SpatialThing",
        temporal_thing, "TemporalThing",
        event, "Event",
        point, "Point",
        lat, "lat",
        location, "location",
        long, "long",
        alt, "alt",
        lat_long, "lat_long"